Friday’s Fave Five is a meme about the week’s highlights.  Host Susanne describes it as “time to take a look over our week, recall blessings great and small and pick our five favorites to share.”

See more faves or join at Living to Tell the Story.

I have been counting blessings more diligently than previous weeks and I realize there are so many.  But these are the top 5  –

i. Helpful people.  Late, rainy Tuesday night my finger scan would not register which meant I was stuck outside. I eyed the couch in frustration, resigned to endure mosquitoes and a soaked skirt until technology would change its mind on me.  A co-resident who was busy on his phone and about to get into his car noticed my predicament and swiped his finger for me .

ii. Alumni who turn up and tell me “we miss you, Miss H.” One handed me a box of goodies from his trip abroad and smiled  like he’s so happy to see me.  I fancied a tease, “did you get an A in my class?”  *grin* Alright I held that and thanked them with a smile to match theirs.

iii. Accomplishing an immigration report. It’s routine but still daunting so when it gets done and in just a few hours, it’s a relief to savor.

iv. Quote. Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadow. It’s what sunflowers do. – Hellen Keller

v.  Visiting a sunflower field and gaining new friends

9 thoughts on “A golden week

  1. What a beautiful sunflower picture!! Just lovely. Where in the world is it? I would love to visit a sunflower field.

    And I adore that quote.
    Have a great week ahead!

  2. Praise the Lord for helpful people coming by at just the right time! It must be so nice to meet up with alumni who have fond memories. That sunflower field is amazing — I have never seen that many all together before.

  3. Isn’t it nice when someone comes along and helps us out just out of the goodness of their heart? Glad your co-resident let you in. I’ve never seen a sunflower field like that! Wow. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi Hazel! I’m so glad someone came to your rescue! What a blessing. Oh my how I love that Sunflower field photo! Just fabulous. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. That sunflower field is amazing. What a great shot of you girls in the middle of it.

    Yay for those who step up and help someone in need. Glad you weren’t locked out!

  6. Only a few hours to finish immigration paperwork? That’s definitely a fave! Gorgeous photo! I love it too when students show their appreciation. It just makes our day, doesn’t it?

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